Hold on be strong
Publicerat den: 2008-06-13 Klockan: 17:47:53 Kategori: Kommentarer: (2)Ooh, I don’t wanna be lonely
Ooh, I don’t wanna be by myself
Ooh, don’t wanna be lonely
Why ain’t anybody lovin’ me?
But there’s always someone out there who’ll be there for you
There is always someone out there who will care for you
There’s always someone out there who’ll be true, true, true
Dummadummadumma förbaskade fina text!
Ooh, I don’t wanna be by myself
Ooh, don’t wanna be lonely
Why ain’t anybody lovin’ me?
But there’s always someone out there who’ll be there for you
There is always someone out there who will care for you
There’s always someone out there who’ll be true, true, true
Dummadummadumma förbaskade fina text!
Postat av: josefin
fin :)
Postat av: Jenny
Ha en fortsatt trevlig dag! :D (trots att det är fredagen den 13) Vad ska du göra ikväll då? :) Kika gärna in i min blogg och släng in en kommentar om du har tid! :)